Showing all 26 results
Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle
Very large, spherical heads of white sterile flowers to 25cm across in summer. Can be used as a hedge.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Alpengluhen
(syn: Hydrangea Apenglow, Hydrangea Glowing Embers) Flowers are rosy red well shaped mophead. Can be used as a cut flower bloom. Easy care and robust. 1.5m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Blue Wave
Attractive lace-cap type,long flowering period. The original blue flower colour is maintained in acid soils,and aided by the addition of an acid fertiliser or aluminium sulphate. Prune after flowering. 1.5 x 1.5m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Bridal Bouquet
Lovely white variety that grows to only 3ft(1m) tall so is ideal in the smaller garden. Great in tubs or pots. Has neat cup shaped cream to white flowers and is happy in sun or shade as long as the soil is not too dry. Mop head.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Colonel Durham
An excellent pink mophead hydrangea one of the best. Prefer semi shade but will tolerate sun.Will change colour to mauve in acid soils. 1.2m
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Flower Master Blue
Masses of deep blue flowers over a long flowering period. Hardy. 1.2m x .75m.This hydrangea might turn pink if grown in potting mix.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Immaculata
Flowers open cream changing to pure white. This variety prefers semi shade. Lower growing. 1m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Libelle
One of the best white lacecaps with a touch of blue in the centre. Excellent display. 1.5m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Pearl
Rich creamy flowers open fully and retain a hint of cream. Fairly sun tolerant for a white mophead and grows 1.5m in height.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Mathilda Gutges
One of the best blues with cobalt blue mop head flowers. Needs an acid soil to perform well. Can be used as a tub plant for outdoor use. 1.2m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Merville Sanguine
Blood red to wine purple. One of the richest darkest reds. 1.5m
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Montgomery
In acid soil the purple magenta flowers have a blue luster in the centre. The flowers can vary from rich ruby red in alkaline soil to beetroot purple in strongly acid soil.Reasonably sun tolerant and great for drying. Mophead. 1.3m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Piamina
(syn: H Pia, H. Winning Edge) Lower growing hydrangea with mid pink flowers late spring into summer. 1m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Princess Juliana
Rich creamy flowers open fully and retain a hint of cream. Fairly sun tolerant for a white mophead and grows 1.5m in height.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Red Emperor
Neat round flower heads that try to stay red even in acid conditions. In Akaline soils flowers are a rich vivid crimson. Good cut flower. 1.3m. Mophead.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Red Start
(syn: H. Rotschwanz, H. Red Star) Rich red wine florets and two toned white and red true flowers. 1.5m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Renate Steiniger
Compact patio hydrangea. Excellent mid blue mop head. Long flowering period. Hardy. 1.2m x .75m. This hydrangea turns pink in our potting mix.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Rosita
Rounded clusters of deep pink flowers in alkaline or neutral soil and mauve to violet in acid soil. 1.2m.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Snowball
(syn: H. Schneeball) Rounded and compact on a tidy bush. Ideal container or garden planting.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea macrophylla Trophy
Dwarf growing hydrangea with mid pink flowers late spring into summer. 1m. Deciduous. Mophead. Alkaline soil.
$8.00 -
Hydrangea paniculata Limelight
Large panicles of white flowers tinged green. Can be used as a hedge. 1.2m.
$10.00 -
Hydrangea paniculata Sundae Fraise
Large, conical strawberry pink flower clusters open white but by mid-summer they turn a shade of strawberry pink and hold that color right through the autumn. 1.2m
$8.00 -
Hydrangea Saxon Pink Maiden
Soft pink mop head hydrangea with striking contrasting black stems. Compact. 1.2m