Showing all 29 results
Arenaria montana Avalanche
Protrate perennial forms a loose mat with medium size white flowers in mass in spring. Full sun or partial shade. Unaffected by frosts. 15cm x 70cm wide.
$8.00 -
Azalea Kirin
Kurume. Semi double hose in hose coral pink flowers. Mass flowerer. Early season. 60cm. One of the most popular.
$8.00 -
Bauera rubioides Plum Duff
Pure white flowers in spring. Winter foliage plum coloured. Full sun well drained soil. Evergreen. 80cm
$7.00 -
Buxus harlandii Richard
A short bushy plant with striking green flat leaves, with marked apical and marginal indentations growing along the yellow stems.
$15.00 -
Coleonema Sunset Gold
Bright gold foliage all year, with small light pink star like flowers late winter into spring. Must be full sun and well drained soil. 1m.
$8.00 -
Deschampsia cespitosa Northern Lights
Fountains of green plumes emerge in summer and gradually fade to a golden haze. Full sun or semi shade. Hardy. Evergreen. 40 to 50cm.
$7.00 -
Euonymous Emerald Gem
Dwarf growing foliage shrub to 60cm. Dark green glossy leaves. Ideal for low border planting. Hardy. Evergreeen.
$3.00 – $8.00 -
Eutaxia obovata nana
Australian Native. Grows to approx 1m with gold and mauve pea shaped flowers. Full sun or partial shade. Hardy.
Also known as the Egg and Bacon plant
$8.00 -
Gardenia radicans
Low growing evergreen shrub ideal for shady position. White fragrant flowers in spring and summer. Prefers lightly moist soil conditions. 80cm.
$8.00 -
Helictotrichon sempervirens
syn. Avena candida. Blue oat grass. Prefers full sun and well drained soil. Hardy. 50cm.
$7.00 -
Lavender Arabian Nights
Select form of English lavender. Darker blue flowers. Full sun well drained site. 80cm
$7.00 -
Lavender Blue Mountain
Compact form of English Lavender. Grows as a tight bun about 60cm height. Excellent form for low border planting. Prune late summer to remove old flower heads. Full sun well drained soil.
$7.00 -
Lavender Grey Lady
Compact form of English Lavender. Grows as a tight bun about knee height. Excellent form for low border planting. Prune late summer to remove old flower heads. Full un well drained soil.
$7.00 -
Lavender Grosso
Select form used for lavender oil production. Strong scent. Grows to 1m. Cut back after flowering.
$7.00 -
Lavender Hidcote Purple
A top variety of English lavender. Compact form. Deep purple blue flowers. Requires full sun well drained position. 60cm.
$7.00 -
Lavender Munstead Dwarf
Compact form of English Lavender. Excellent form for low border planting. Prune late summer to remove old flower heads. Full sun well drained soil. 60cm
$7.00 -
Leucanthemum Sparkles
Excellent low growing plant with daisy type flowers.Flowers through out the year. Prefers full sun. 30 x 50cm
$7.00 -
Lithodora diffusum Snow Carpet
Excellent groundcover covered in masses of very soft blue to white flowers in spring. Plant in full sun or semi shade. Grows approx. 1m wide by 15cm high. Ideal for bark gardens.
$8.00 -
Lithodora Star
Forms a dense dark green mat 1 metre wide and 15cm deep. Covered in masses of small white blue flowers in spring. Full sun or semi shade. Hardy.
$8.00 -
Lomandra Lime Tuff
Australian grass, clump forming to about 80cm x 70cm wide. Looks good all year. Tolerant of drought, partial shade.
$7.00 -
Loropetalum Plum Delight
Fringe Flower. A new cultivar with wine colored leaves and clear pink flowers which resemble a fringe. Low spreading evergreen shrub. Hardy. 1m x 1m
$8.00 -
Nandina domestica Pygmaea
Small mound of brilliant copper orange red foliage through winter. Hardy. 80cm.
$8.00 -
Nandina Gulfstream
Forms a compact shrub to 1 metre. New growth coppery red color. Very hardy.
Nandina Gulfstream
Forms a compact shrub to 1 metre. New growth coppery red color. Very hardy.
$8.00 -
Pieris japonica Little Heath
Snowy white flowers in spring followed by red new growths. 1-1.5m.
$8.00 -
Rosmarinus Chefs Choice
A new release that should be grown in every garden for its highly aromatic foliage and wide range of culinary uses. Plant in full sun and well drained soil. 0.7m x 1m.
$8.00 -
Rosmarinus officinalis Tuscan Blue
Upright rosemary with clear blue flowers in spring and into summer. Popular for hedges. Hardy. Tolerates heat and dry. 1.5m.
$7.00 -
Thymus praecox Purple Carpet
Low spreading mat 5cm high. Plant at 50cm spacings. Full sun well drained soil. Masses of tiny mauve flowers in summer.
$7.00 -
Viburnum tinus Eve Price
Selected dense compact form with smaller leaves. Carmine red buds open to white tinged pink flowers in winter through early spring. Hardy and popular shrub. Evergreen. 1.5m x 1.5m.
$8.00 -
Westringia fruiticosa Smokey
Compact shrub. Use as specimen plant or as a hedge. Small white flowers in spring. Full sun, well drained soil. 80 x 80cm