More Information
Parentage: C. japonica seedling x (C.vernalis) A 5 year old chance seedling which first flowered in 1959.
Breeder: E.G. Waterhouse, 1946
Reference: American Camellia Yearbook, 1955, pg.70
Orthographic Error: W.G. Waterhouse
Synonyms: C. Wotehaosi (Chinese)
This cultivar won the Edward H. Metcalf award in 1962, and the National Camellia Hall of Fame Award in 1978.
There is also a variegated form of E.G. Waterhouse in cultivation which started in Australia as a virus infection on a grafted plant 1965.
Use as an Ornamental
Camellia E.G. Waterhouse is best used as a stand-alone ornamental. Prune to shape and size as required.
Like all Camellias if the plant gets old and loses form, prune severely back to a stump 30 – 50cm high. After a few weeks new shoots will appear from the stump and the plant will reform.
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