More InformationÂ
Parentage: An 8 year old seedling of C. saluenensis x C. japonica Joshua Youtz. More correctly C. Softly should be listed as a hybrid, but as one parent is a Japonica it is often listed as a Japonica cultivar.
Breeder or Originator: Felix Jury, Waitara, New Zealand
Reference: New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, vol. XVII, No.1, Mar. 1991.
Synonym: C. Piaorou (Chinese)Â
Use as an OrnamentalÂ
Camellia Softly would normally be used as a stand alone ornamentalÂ
Like all Camellias if the plant gets old and loses form, prune severely back to a stump 30 – 50cm high. After a few weeks new shoots will appear from the stump and the plant will reform.Â
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